


Imagine needing to list every possession in your home or apartment, 在你的财产被偷走或被龙卷风摧毁后,连同每件物品的价值一起, 野火或其他自然灾害. That task may seem impossible so it is best to make the list before you need it. 下面我们已经回答了你为什么以及如何创建一个家庭清单的基本问题.

Why do I need an inventory of my home or apartment?

A home inventory is an excellent way to help make home insurance and 租房者pp王者电子官网 pp王者电子官网的决定 加快pp王者电子官网 claims process 被盗、损坏或丢失后. 这份可保资产的记录不仅可以帮助你解决承保的损失或索赔, 但也可以帮助核实免税的财产损失,并确定你需要的合适的pp王者电子官网范围.





第一步是决定哪种类型的库存对你来说最容易创建. 家庭物品清单可以简单地列出你所有的物品,或者为每件物品做一个视觉记录, but an effective home inventory should include both for added security. 今天,甚至有数字工具来帮助简化维护清单的过程.

  • 书面清单: 一份全面的家庭物品清单对你的物品进行分类,并应包括物品说明(制作), 型号及序列号, if applicable), 价值及购买日期. You can create your own list using a spreadsheet or fill out a 房屋库存清单 准备好了.
  • 数字库存: 如果你有iPhone或Android手机, there are apps that can be downloaded to your phone, 其中一些是免费的. These 移动家居库存应用 允许您记录的项目的描述,价值和购买日期的照片.
  • 视觉记录: A visual record of your possessions shows proof of ownership. 这可以通过一段视频或一系列照片来完成.

一旦你决定了你想要创建的房屋库存的类型,根据 pp王者电子官网信息研究所, there are some simple steps you can take to start the process. Don't forget to include the items in your basement, attic, 车库和任何独立结构, 比如工具棚. Also, pay special attention to your most valuable possessions, 比如古董, art, jewelry, 收藏品和电子设备. If you have any questions about which items are covered by your policy, 联系你的pp王者电子官网代理人.

  • Record possessions as you pack to move into a new place: 当你搬到一个新的公寓或家, take a couple of extra minutes to record the belongings in each room.
  • 每次选择一个区域进行记录: You can start with a hall closet or small kitchen cabinet. Then, after capturing your belongings in that room, move on to the next.
  • 在你重新装修时记录下每一件物品: 不管你是 重新装修你的公寓 or a room, note each purchase you make and save the receipts. It will give you a jump start on your home inventory.
  • 记录最近的购买情况: 养成记录新购买物品的习惯. Then, as necessary, go back and record your older, undocumented possessions. 和记录一起, 一定要保存销售收据和估价(包括估价人的姓名和地址),以帮助核实每件物品的价值.
  • 记录重要信息: 提供一般描述, 你在哪里买的?, 品牌和型号, 还有你付了多少钱. 如果物品有序列号,请附上序列号.
  • 记录每种服装的数量: List, for example, “5条牛仔裤, three pairs of sneakers…" Make note of items that are especially valuable.
  • 也包括储存的物品: 存放在地下室的东西, attic, garage and other detached structures may not be at the top of your mind; however, 你也应该把这些项目记录下来. 如果你有物品在自助存储单元, make sure to include them as they are usually covered under your 家庭pp王者电子官网政策.
  • Use technology to create your digital home inventory.
    • Take pictures. Capture important individual items as well as entire rooms, closets or drawers. 在照片上贴上标签,注明照片的内容、购买地点、品牌或型号以及序列号.
    • Take video. Walk through your house or apartment recording and describing the contents. For example, 你可以这样描述厨房橱柜里的东西:“蓝色的罂粟花(Poppies on Blue),由Lenox创作, 12人套餐,包括餐盘, salad plate, bowl, cup and saucer, 2015年购买."
    • Use an app. 有很多移动应用程序可以帮助你创建和存储一个房间一个房间的物品记录.


When you survive a major wildfire that completely burned your house, 你比任何人都清楚拥有一份房屋清单的重要性(以及如何做一份清单):如果你的房子被毁了,记录你拥有的东西会让你更容易获得pp王者电子官网索赔. 在下面的视频中, 你会见到玛丽·纳普, survivor of the Jesusita Fire of 2009 in Santa Barbara, CA, and Irene Henry, 她的State Farm®代理. 总之,他们将帮助你在索赔之前完成这个重要的项目.



Don't let your home inventory become part of a property loss. Whichever inventory method you choose, it's important to 保存一份副本在防火pp王者电子官网箱里或者在云端进行数字化. You can even email your inventory to your insurance agent. 发送清单有附加价值,可以让你的经纪人检查你的库存,看看你是否需要额外的房屋或房屋 租房者报道 or to add a 个人物品pp王者电子官网单.



We are dedicated to help you recover your losses quickly and efficiently. 如果您的State Farm®索赔涉及重大的个人财产损失,您可以使用 内容清单辅助工具 we have available to guide you during your loss recovery.


一旦完成,您损坏的个人财产清单可以通过索赔中心和/或电子邮件发送给我们. Adjustments and additions to your inventory can also be made after submission.

Note: All applicable policy provisions and jurisdictions may apply.    

本文中的信息来自与State Farm®无关的各种来源(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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